Friday, June 12, 2015

Jensen does NOT tolerate rudeness!

Hi Everyone!

Happy Saturday! It's the weekend! :-)

Today, I have a snippet from my book, Daddy's Little Sweetheart which comes out for sale, THIS TUESDAY! I'm so excited!!

In this snippet, Claire has come home from work tired and hungry. She snaps at Jensen, which earns her a spanking because Jensen does not tolerate rudeness. 

He gestured for me to lie over his lap, so I did. Thankfully, he didn’t prolong anything and began rapidly smacking my clothed bottom. The smacks didn’t really hurt, but I knew that wouldn’t last long. 

He continued to spank my clothed bottom for a minute more and then he said, “I think this has to come off.” He tugged at my skirt and panties, pulling them off of me, exposing my creamy rounded bottom to his gaze. 

“Tell me why you’re getting spanked, Claire,” he said, rubbing his hands over my cool skin. 

“Because I was rude to you…” 

“You were, and I will not tolerate rudeness,” he said, and just like that, the spanking began again.

Naughty naughty Claire.

Make sure to go check out the other participants blogs because you'll never know what you'll find!

Happy Saturday! :-)


  1. Great scene, Meredith. We all know Daddy's little girl shouldn't be rude. :)

  2. Yup, rudeness is definitely a 'no-no' for all DD and D/s relationships. It'll get you in trouble every time. Love the snippet, Meredith.

    1. I think that Claire finally learned her lesson! :-)

  3. Those daddies always want to be told why their littles are being spanked:). Nice snippet Meredith
